Company history


Founding of the business “Gebrüder Zepf“ by Erwin Zepf and his brother



Separation of the two brothers. Erwin Zepf, father of Christoph Zepf, continues to lead the company under the name “Gebrüder Zepf”



Christoph Zepf, the current managing director, begins his training as an instrument maker and passes his master’s examination in 1988



Christoph Zepf takes over the company keeping the same name. At the same time there is a comprehensive extension and the start of CNC production



First certification according to ISO 9002, from 2000 to ISO 9001, from 2004 to ISO 13485



Further extension of the factory to provide more space for CNC machines



The largest alteration to this point in the company history. Extension of the factory by 300 m² to 1000 m²



Tobias Zepf begins his training as an instrument maker and passes his master’s examination 2015, passes his examination in business studies in 2018 and is given a company power of attorney also in 2018



Renaming as “Gebrüder Zepf Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG”



Extension of company premises to give more storage space



Markus Lippoth is given power of attorney



Full renovation of the Lehrstrasse 9 building including new staff facilities; connection of the Lehrstrasse 9 und Lehrstrasse 11 buildings on two levels; commissioning of high rack warehouse



Division of the company into the newly founded “Gebrüder Zepf Medizintechnik Betriebs GmbH & Co. KG” and the renaming of the previous company to “Gebrüder Zepf Medizintechnik Besitz GmbH & Co. KG”



Appointment of Tobias Zepf as additional managing director

Company building (around year 2000)
Company building (around year 2000)

Erwin Zepf, the company founder, in the grinding room (beginning of the 1980s)
Erwin Zepf, the company founder, in the grinding room (beginning of the 1980s)

Christoph and Erwin Zepf (beginning of the 1980s)
Christoph and Erwin Zepf (beginning of the 1980s)


View into the workshop (2009)